Frequently Asked Questions


Who can sign up on this site?

   Private piano teachers, Music Schools(teach piano and other instruments or have more than one teacher in the piano studio), Piano Tuners, Piano Stores and Music Stores(must sell pianos)

Does it cost anything to list my business?

   Yes. there is a one time fee of $15 for private piano teachers(only teach piano and only one teacher) and $30 for music schools (teach more instruments than piano or have more than one teacher in the piano studio). $15 for piano tuners and $30 for piano/music stores


Does it cost anything to update my listing?

   No. You can update your listing online by logging into your account.


Is there an annual subscription fee?

   There is no annual fee for basic listing. Featured listing(being displayed on the main home page) have a yearly fee.


After I have signed up and paid, can I login right away?

   Allow 24-48 hours for us to activate your account. You'll be notified by email when your account is active. Most of the times the account is activated after a couple of hours.


We are a music school. Can we sign up?

   Yes, as long as you teach piano lessons.


Can music organizations, music stores advertise on this site?

   Yes. The fee is $95 for an ad. The ad will be in the form of a banner and will be displayed on the home page Contact us if you want to advertise on this site.


Can I have a photo on my listing?

   Yes, you can have a profile photo and you'll also have a photo gallery


How do I update / edit / remove my listing?

   Login to your account to manage your listing


If I delete my account, do I need to pay again if I sign up later?

   Yes. You would have to sign up as a new member and pay the listing fee. So think twice before deleting your account.


Do you have other instrument categories than piano?

   No. Currently we do not have other instruments. But we may add this in the future.


What countries can join?

   All countries can join. If you currently don't see your country in our browser, you can still join. We we'll add new countries as request come in